Firefighting is one of the greatest professions out there, but we understand that it can take a toll.

That’s why EaseAlert is dedicated to helping you and your crew members stay as healthy and effective as possible.

Our Solution

Vibration alerts mitigate the harmful effect of noise by ensuring that the amygdala isn’t shocked into fight-or-flight

Responders can rest comfortably, knowing that EaseAlert will gently awake them if they get a call


High Risk

Death from heart attack is up to 14.1-times more likely during alarm response

Firefighters are 3-times more likely to die on the job than all other workers

56% of all LODDs since 2010 caused by stress & overexertion



Loud noises trigger the amygdala: region of brain involved in stress response.

Chronic stress can lead to…

  • high blood pressure

  • artery-clogging deposits

  • anxiety, depression, addiction, and obesity

Loud environmental noise associated with increased risk of…

  • heart attack

  • stroke

  • arterial hypertension

Sleep Disruption

Heart attack 2.3-times more likely with less than 5 hours of sleep/night

Source: Current Cardiology Reviews

Firefighters 5.6-times more likely to suffer obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Source: JOEM

OSA increases the risk of:

  • heart failure by 140%

  • stroke by 60%

  • coronary heart disease by 30%

    Source: AJRCCM